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Thornton Greyhound Stadium

Tel: 01592 774233
80 years of racing – established 1936
There is no greyhound racing at Thornton Stadium at the moment.
The plan is to negotiate a contract with an online bookmaker to provide betting for the racing, pay prize money, have a vet in attendance and integrity services. In this way we hope to satisfy the Scottish Governments guidelines for greyhound racing to continue in Scotland. This may take some time so it may be best for your greyhounds to go to a GBGB or IGB track. I will keep you informed about any progress.
In the meantime if anyone wants trials text to 07596 166383 and I will try to provide them by arrangement.
Greyhound race entries
Telephone 01592 774233 and clearly leave name of dog, day to run and distance on ansaphone
text name, day to run and distance on 07596 166 383
write on sheet in canteen
No later than 10am day before racing
£5 entry (16 years and over)
We will be racing on Sunday afternoon at 2pm during Winter.
Please phone before travelling when weather conditions may affect the track.
Qualifying time is 17:30.
£10 solo trials/hand slips. £5 mixed.
Dogs wanting to qualify must wear racing jacket and walk round inside track wall and exit at gate by winning line.
Trials before racing (please note entrance fee to be paid) 3-dog qualifying trials only, no hand slips, no solos.
Trials held on Wednesdays 7pm-8pm.
Bar will be closed until further notice canteen will be open for soft drinks and snacks only.
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